Matthew Camden is the director of the Division of Freight, Transit, and Heavy Vehicle Safety at VTTI. He is an expert in occupational driving safety with over 15 years of experience solving complex challenges to improve vehicle and driver safety. With a background in industrial and organizational psychology, Camden specializes in light- and heavy-vehicle fleet safety with an emphasis on developing, evaluating, and implementing occupational safety programs and outreach initiatives to reduce crashes, prevent injuries, and eliminate occupational driving fatalities. Specifically, his research investigates systems-level solutions to improve operator behavior and commercial motor vehicle safety with a focus on improving operator education and training, strengthening organizational safety culture, reducing driver distraction and fatigue, accelerating advanced vehicle safety systems, and preventing operator impairment. He has been the PI/Co-PI or Project Manager on 52 projects totaling over $18.8 million and has made significant contributions to 14 other projects (totaling over $15.1 million). These include funded research projects sponsored by the National Safety Council, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, National Academy of Science, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, Transport Canada, North American Fatigue Management Program, Clear Roads, National Transportation Research Center, Inc., National Surface Transportation Safety Center for Excellence, and numerous proprietary companies. Camden has over 130 professional presentations and more than 60 publications and technical reports. Although much of his research focuses on commercial motor vehicle drivers, his research portfolio encompasses all types of occupational drivers and the individuals that share the road with them.